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Guglielmo Trovato

E-learning in science. The BioS Course commitment in an international perspective

Si descrive la condivisione di finalità e strumenti dei corsi in e-learning più accreditati nel mondo

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We have the pleasure of sharing with our Followers the information on the new “Coursera’s Global Skills Index 2020 (GSI). 

Their mission is well highlighted and is in agreement with the goals of our Bios Project 

“Looking across over 65 million learners on Coursera platform, the second edition of the GSI shows where, how, and why key skills are developing around the world.

The report allows to see which fields of study can best prepare students to be employable in an evolving job market. This year’s report provides key insights on how colleges and universities can adapt learning programs to ensure students acquire critical job skills that will help them launch and advance their careers.

Here are some key insights that I find most interesting from this year's GSI:

Of the 200 million higher education students whose studies have been disrupted by COVID-19, 80% are located in countries with emerging or lagging skills.

Acquiring business, tech, and data science skills will give students a competitive edge in the workforce.

Students who study Mathematics & Statistics and the Physical Sciences have the strongest skill sets across business, data science, and tech.

Our shared  mission is to transform lives through learning. We hope this report will be a valuable resource as you adapt your programs to a post-COVID world.”


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